Monday, January 22, 2007

For anyone following this blog.

The Big John story ties in with, and makes more sense if you go and read the story In the beginning. It is part of a series of stories that I will eventually publish entitled " The summer with Billy". I have to work them all out; as I am trying to get my writing skilled improved and refined.( I ordered four books on writing from Also It keeps people coming back to view my blog if I publish intermittently. Added the fact that some stories are written (needing editing) and some are still in my head. How many stories? Who knows? I guess it will be ongoing. I like to write and that is one of the purposes of this blog. Some how I get the feeling someone is viewing my blog, and I do it for them. Some times I get the feeling I'm just doing it for me. That no one even views the blog; but I know that's not true.
My blog is only a couple of months old and I am still feeling my way. I feel like I have made a rather good start and want to keep improving it as I go along. I want to develop a blog that interests someone. How that will eventually be; who knows.
If anyone has comments please let me know.
Undieboy. (I'm sitting in my undies writing this)

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