Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Monday, January 29, 2007
Horses, horses, horses, everywhere.
On the way to work this morning traffic was held up for a
herd of horses crossing the road. This is a common
occurrence. Horses are wild here; when the Spanish left,
they left behind their horses. Over the centuries they have
roamed wild, uninterrupted, multiplying in number. I
wonder if anyone knows how many there are. The
inhabitants on the island are basically poor, so they find a
horse and that's their transportation. The only
requirements is to feed and shoe them. It seems if they
don't have food, they brand them, and let them roam free,
finding their own food. However; its a pain to find them
when you want them. I live across from a ball park, behind
the ball park is a big field, where there's always horses;
some tied and some freely grazing.
Its hot, I always get excited, watching the half naked kids
riding their horses bareback, with maybe a blanket, but
rarely a saddle. Its summer here, year around, so they
don't need to wear shoes or shirts, just shorts. What I think
is really hot is when you see them riding in the rain; wow.
I'm going to write about Flaco the boy across the ball park,
who has a horse. But....later.
Posted by
3:26 PM
Sunday, January 28, 2007
All I can say is nice, nice, nice.
Posted by
3:09 PM
Labels: Big John. eye candy
What does it cost for a fill up now a days?
Posted by
3:05 PM
Labels: eye candy
Saturday, January 27, 2007
The card game.
After the first episode of Billy sucking on my cock....I was
convinced that it would never happen again. No more of
that stuff happening. It scared me.
So; Billy and I were over a friends house and we were
bored to tears. Billy said, "let's play poker." We decided to play for nickels as it was no fun not betting, and besides we could afford a few nickels. I wasn't really good
at poker, but oh well, I could give it a try. Billy's friends
Everett and Charlie were all for it. We started playing and
I started winning a bit. I was having fun and enjoying the
Then I started loosing,and loosing big time. I guess I was
getting too cocky. Well, finally I lost everything. I was
going to quit, when they said “you can't quit now.” I had no
more money; what was I to do? Billy piped up I'll give
you twenty cents for your shirt. OK; I took my shirt off and
Billy gave me twenty cents. I played a while, kind of laying
low. I was getting some money back. Started getting cocky
again and lost it all. I sold my belt, and then my shoes.
Won some money back and then lost it. Charlie was
loosing some clothes now. We were into the excitement of
the game. We started betting big. I was loosing. So was
Everett now. Billy was raking in the dough. I started
winning again and betting big. I must be addicted to
gambling because the win was a rush, but I never felt the
loss. I was finally down to my skoobedoos. You know my
jockey shorts. Winning was still more important. Who
cared. Billy finally bought my skoobes for fifty cents. I
wanted more but I needed the money. I sold them and lost
them. Here I am naked in front of these guys; trying to
win my clothes back. Everett was down to his shorts too.
It was OK...but now, I'm broke again. Billy said he would
give fifty more cents if I got a hard on. I knew with fifty
cents I could win my skoobes back. Nope I lost. I had to
stroke my pick. I pulled my foreskin all the way out.
Stretched it like rubber. I ran my finger around inside of
my foreskin for a while. They loved it; because none of
them were uncut.
The head was coming out from under the foreskin...I was
getting into it. There it head was fully exposed. I
got my fifty cents...and a feeling I liked all these guys
watching me get hard. I was getting into all these guys
looking at me naked; with a hard on. The game was more
important..let's play some more. I was starting to win
again. I felt good. All these guys looking at my nice big
hard dick. I won my skoobedoos back again. I put them on
but still had a boner. I knew I was changing my luck
around. There I was playing like it was
important...loosing; and stroking my prick under the
undies. I liked these guys watching me. It didn't bother
me. I knew they never saw an uncut cock before and for
that matter one as dark brown as mine. I had big balls and
that might have gotten to them. Whatever. I wanted to start to
win..that's all that was important.
I lost again. What else could I do. I though I should quit.
Charlie said he would give twenty cents if he could touch
it. OK; I might win something with only twenty cents. I
lost. He fingered my head, my foreskin and my pre cum.
He pulled on my foreskin. It excited me. I liked it. My
prick was hard and hot. My pre cum was flowing out.
Next I sold my balls, and then my ass hole. Now all I had
left was to cum. I got a dollar for that. So I lost. So put
your finger in my ass, lick my balls, and let me cum. I did
and somehow I liked it, too much.
The game was over. I came. and the show drew to an end. But my prick didn't; thinking of that day all summer long. I lost but maybe, I really won.
Posted by
11:38 AM
The card game.
This is a part of The Summer With Billy series. It will make more sense after reading all the parts.
Posted by
11:14 AM
Labels: The Card Game
This is how I feel for not posting more...
I apologize for not posting more. I've been writing and neglecting everything else, including my blog. I will post another story in the Summer With Billy series. I wrote this a few weeks ago. Remember this is about a boy in his late teens and not experienced in sex. Therefore it's not sex-cum filled; fuck and get fucked story. There are other blogs that feature that. However: as this series goes along I intend to heat it up a bit. So; stay tuned.
Posted by
10:21 AM
Labels: eye candy
Friday, January 26, 2007
Sorry....but another butt...
The big but is...I'm writing and get lost in my thoughts...If I don't put them down right away I lose them.
Posted by
4:26 PM
Labels: art work
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Monday, January 22, 2007
For anyone following this blog.
The Big John story ties in with, and makes more sense if you go and read the story In the beginning. It is part of a series of stories that I will eventually publish entitled " The summer with Billy". I have to work them all out; as I am trying to get my writing skilled improved and refined.( I ordered four books on writing from Also It keeps people coming back to view my blog if I publish intermittently. Added the fact that some stories are written (needing editing) and some are still in my head. How many stories? Who knows? I guess it will be ongoing. I like to write and that is one of the purposes of this blog. Some how I get the feeling someone is viewing my blog, and I do it for them. Some times I get the feeling I'm just doing it for me. That no one even views the blog; but I know that's not true.
My blog is only a couple of months old and I am still feeling my way. I feel like I have made a rather good start and want to keep improving it as I go along. I want to develop a blog that interests someone. How that will eventually be; who knows.
If anyone has comments please let me know.
Undieboy. (I'm sitting in my undies writing this)
Posted by
1:51 PM
Is this BIG JOHN?
Posted by
1:11 PM
Labels: Big John, eye candy, The summer with Billy
Here it is...the BIG JOHN story.
Billy, myself, and a few friends, were playing down at the swimming hole one day. Along came Big John. Big John didn't come around much; his family owned a dairy farm and there was always too much work. Today, he had taken a break and came down to the swimming hole, to fool around with us.
I wondered why they called him “Big John.” He was big for sure; one of those corn fed midwest farm boys. Muscles for days from pitching all that hay. He was big...not really too tall...but broad shoulders. big arms, big melon like chest, and big well developed legs. I would of thought he was a body builder; but this was 100% corn bred bulk. There's a difference between gym muscle and farm muscle...this boy was farm muscle.
Big John was swinging around on one rope, and Billy on the other. They were attacking each other; as they swung passed. Billy decides he's going to jump Big John and knock him off his rope. So; as they swung passed; Billy jumped and tried to get Big John's rope; he missed. He ended up grabbing Big John around the waist. Big John was sweaty and after having applied sun tan lotion; slimy. Billy with his arms around Big John waist was sliding down. Slowly sliding down. Big John was wearing loose fitting shorts... and well ... as Billy slid down so did the shorts. In fact all the Billy hit the water so did Big Johns' shorts. Now, Big John's swinging on the rope, bare ass naked.
Now, I knew why Big John was called; Big John..... well: because he was big. Big Johns' swinging around on the ropes, naked; and his big dick swinging between his legs, naked, all except a patch of hair above his prick. His balls; as smooth as a baby's behind. He sported a big fat cut know like a horse....his head kind of flat and round; but the shaft, really thick; and long. I mean really long. His balls were big and firm. so big, that his dick sort of arched out over them. What a site to behold. I was in the water; thank goodness, because I became erect right away. My dick popping out of my shorts. I didn't know if I wanted to suck this boys dick or have him put it up my ass; or both. All I knew; was that I wanted to play with this nice huge toy. I knew it was too big to get in my mouth and probably the same for my ass. I didn't matter; I wanted it, bad.
He swung around for a while, letting all the guys view his wonderful man meat, finally letting go, plunging into the water. I thought he enjoyed showing it off. He went after Billy to get his shorts; but Billy was ahead of him. Jumping around, in and out of the water; up the ropes; all over the place. I knew Billy loved seeing Big John's cock flapping between his legs. I thought Billy tied to grab it a couple of times, but Big John being strong; pushed him away. They played for a while and Big John, finally, got his shorts back.
While they were wrestling I could see Big John's cock getting bigger. My eyes must have been bulging from their sockets. Bigger; I thought to myself, I couldn't stand it. Big John went to get Billy' shorts but Billy got away. Then all the guys; were trying to get each other's shorts. I was hoping we would all lose our shorts; but the only one that lost his shorts that day was Big John. What a wonderful sight for me; it was my visions, for jerking off, for weeks.
Later that evening, in Billy's room, all that Billy could think about, was Big Johns big, fat, cut, mushroom head, cock. Billy would say “it's like a horse;” and I would say “stop it Billy.” Billy was wondering what it was like when it was hard. I said “ big and hard. What's your problem; Billy? not enough cock these days?” Billy said; “let's take a shower and you can give me some!” “Billy” I said; “take your own shower and play with your own cock. Some day you will figure out there's more to sex than a big cock. For now; play with your own little one.”
Posted by
12:57 PM
Labels: Big John, The summer with Billy
Any of these fit the Big John story?
Posted by
12:12 PM
Labels: Big John, eye candy, The summer with Billy
Which one of these boyz.... fits the BIG JOHN story the best?
Posted by
11:54 AM
Labels: Big John. eye candy, The summer with Billy
Sunday, January 21, 2007
I know he wears undies....
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Posted by
1:19 PM
Labels: eye candy